Gilbert M. Doolittle (1846-1918) was a 19th-century apiarist and author considered to be the father of commercial queen rearing. His book Scientific Queen-Rearing: As Practically Applied (Thomas G. Newman: Chicago, 1888) was reissued over several editions.
Doolittle also wrote several brochures on beekeeping, and submitted regular articles to Gleanings in Bee Culture over many years. His involvement coincided with a great expansion of beekeeping knowledge in the United States.
- Scientific Queen-Rearing: As Practically Applied pp. 169. Chicago: Newman & Son (1889).
- Description of the Hive I Use, and My Management of Bees pp. 15. Chicago: Newman & Son (1900).
- Management of Out-Apiaries pp. 36. (4th ed.) Medina, Ohio: A. I. Root (1913).